Made from both smooth and twisted/twisted wires, these brushes are for general rust removal, paint, foundry sand, light deburring, parts cleaning, finishing, grinding, etc.

Due to its longer wires, it has greater flexibility, being indicated mainly for pieces with irregular surfaces.

Braided wire circular brush: count on who is a reference in the subject

Inebrás has been in the market for over 25 years offering efficient solutions in braided wire circular brush. After all, we have high quality national raw materials, state-of-the-art equipment imported from Germany and trained professionals to ensure excellence in all products and services.

In addition, we work with perfect brushes to meet the needs of all customers, both in the national and international markets. We always value high quality, seek innovative solutions and deliver fast, within the agreed time frame.

Get in touch with the team of professionals at Inebrás and solve all your doubts about braided wire circular brush. We are ready to assist you in developing the most appropriate solution for your application.

Braided wire circular brush

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